We need to eat
Det är ju många som tycker att Kents "Noll" är en ana-låt. Många av er gillar säkert den. Har ni hört den engelska versionen? Jag lyssnade nyss på den, och texten är väldigt fin.
She grows silent, the light falls
Does it scare you?
Does it chew you to the bone?
I'm sorry, I didn't know
Then I won't put the lights out
Though you hate to undress before my eyes
For your pale skin is in need of summerlight
I say: You need to eat
She says: I'll feed on your breath
What if I leave?
She says: Without you I'll be dead
I need some sleep
but I can't let her alone
and if I leave
I'd be afraid of coming home
She grows silent, the light falls
Cause it scares you
and I can't help but smile
And your best friend has to be the morninglight
I'm losing you
I'm aware of the words I'm using
Losing you...
If you really have to know
I'm sorry but I have to let you go
She grows silent, the light falls
Does it scare you?
Does it chew you to the bone?
I'm sorry, I didn't know
Then I won't put the lights out
Though you hate to undress before my eyes
For your pale skin is in need of summerlight
I say: You need to eat
She says: I'll feed on your breath
What if I leave?
She says: Without you I'll be dead
I need some sleep
but I can't let her alone
and if I leave
I'd be afraid of coming home
She grows silent, the light falls
Cause it scares you
and I can't help but smile
And your best friend has to be the morninglight
I'm losing you
I'm aware of the words I'm using
Losing you...
If you really have to know
I'm sorry but I have to let you go
Postat av: lisa
Jag tycker nog att den svenska texten är lite mer ana än den engelska, eller mer peppande, "när du är tunn som luft så är du nästan perfekt" men båda är ju ana :)
Postat av: mia
var är du? du har inte skrivit på ett tag nu :(
Postat av: Isa
Tack för kommentaren och bloggtipsen.. Och så bra att du själv vågar äta lite mer en stund så du kommer ur hetsandet, lycka till! :)
På högskoleprovet fick jag pinsamma 16 rätt på orden, så dina 20+ var bra! Kramar